2021 Mersea Island Lions Virtual All Terrain Half Marathon

Distance: 13.1 Miles

Dates: You may run the distance on Saturday 26th or Sunday 27th June 2021

Registration: The race costs £15.00 to enter. Please use the link below to register and send us your details. You may download a pdf of a runner’s bib here:

*Registration closes at midnight on Friday 18th June.*

Results: Log your results online using the form which will be available from the link at the bottom of this page. You may also send us a selfie using the same form. Please note that we would like to publish some of your pictures on our website and Facebook page. By sending in your photo you agree that you are willing for us to do this.

Evidence: Complete your chosen distance in a single day and then submit your evidence to us – data from your smart watch / tracker or an app you use to track your running. A simple screen shot or picture is just fine.

Once we have received your results, we will send you a medal and an A5 certificate.

We hope you will understand that because of the unusual circumstances of this year’s run we will not be announcing a winner nor offering prizes. Hopefully 2022 we will be back to our usual format. Whatever your time all your efforts will be much appreciated. They will all contribute to the fundraising which helps the Mersea Island Lions Club to assist so many worthwhile local good causes.